3 Delicious Alternatives to Regular Ice Cream

Custom frozen yogurt cups

Ice cream is one of the most sought after dessert items in the world. 90% of households in the United States regularly consume this frozen dessert. Whether it’s a hot summer day or a cold snowy night, ice cream is a classic favorite. Nearly 9% of the milk produced in the United States is used to make ice cream. In the United States, about 1.5 billion gallons of ice cream is produced each year. A creamy and sweet classic such as this comes in many flavors, although the standard staples are vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. Flavors have evolved beyond this to accommodate many types of fruit, and mimic the flavors of popular candy bars. Ice cream has gone beyond just standard form, and now many substitutes are also common place.

1. Frozen Yogurt

Frozen yogurt is known to be a healthier alternative to regular ice cream. This is because it is less calorie dense, with the same wide selection of flavors. It has become a trend for people to visit the frozen yogurt shop for dessert. There were an estimated 2,582 frozen yogurt shops by the end of 2013. At these establishments you can often serve yourself by using dispensers to fill up your selected size of cup. You often pay by the weight of the yogurt cups. There are also many toppings to choose from in addition to the frozen yogurt. If you’re not sure about which flavor you like, you can try any flavor with a sample tasting spoon.

2. Gelato

Gelato is an italian style ice cream that is sought after for it’s rich flavorings and sophistication. Gelato is up to 8% milkfat and 30% air. This makes it a light and fluffy style of ice cream. Although gelato commonly doesn’t come in flashy or intricate flavors, it is known to have classic tasty flavors. Sampling spoons are offered at gelato establishments as well, and you can often try as many flavors as you want.

3. Dairy Free Ice Cream

Instead of milk, these types of frozen treats use almond milk, coconut milk, juice, or banana puree. It arguably much healthier than the dairy classics, and more enjoyable for those with allergies and sensitivities. More dairy free ice cream options and shops are becoming available across the United States, along with a wider variety of tasty flavors. Going dairy free is much easier these days thanks to creative people.

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