Coffee Stirrers, Stoppers And Sleeves The Little Ingredients That Add Up To A Positive Customer Experience

Customers go to your cafe for more than just a drink. They go for an experience.
A funny conversation while they’re waiting for their latte, a place to relax and kick up their feet in-between shifts…your cafe can offer people so much more than a standard promise, but only if it’s aware of what people need. It’s time to double-check your coffee accessories and make sure you’re equipped with all the basics necessary for a smooth and unforgettable visit. Do you have cheap paper cups that stand up to repeated usage? How about a hot soup container that comes with a lid?
Before you pursue your big goals, make sure they have a foundation to work off of.
Coffee Stirrers
Coffee is synonymous with convenience today. It’s a fast and tasty way of getting a caffeine boost for some, a quick lunch stop on the way to the office for others. The retail value of the American coffee market is estimated to hit $45 billion soon, with specialty coffee comprising a nearly 55% share. When a spoon is too large for some a coffee stirrer can pick up the slack. They’re small, dainty and give people the ability to mix up their drink with ease. These aren’t the only coffee accessories you’ll need to be restocking, however…
Coffee Stoppers
Since so many customers are on-the-go, your coffee accessories need to be a few steps ahead. Coffee stoppers may be small, but they make all the difference for customers heading back inside their car. These prevent coffee from bouncing and spilling everywhere, able to be removed and inserted easily. Specialty coffees today represent nearly 40% of American coffee cups and are considered the highest quality available. The two primary types of coffee, Arabica and Robusta, hit many high notes for customers and businesses alike.
Creamer And Sugar
Let’s say a customer doesn’t want to invest in a mocha or a latte. They don’t just want bland drip coffee, either. How is your creamer and sugar station doing? Ongoing studies have concluded the majority of the population prefer to add sugar or cream to their mug, with the average coffee cup being nine ounces. When you combine a nicely stocked creamer and sugar station with staples like the coffee stirrer and coffee stopper, your cafe is already well on its way to being a one-stop shop for thousands.
Hot Soups
It’s not just a warm cup of joe that brings customers to your establishment. Others are hungry and need something healthy, delicious and fast. Hot soups are incredibly popular year-round (and certainly during the colder months), with a recent study revealing Americans eat a collective 10 billion bowls of soup every year. Women are also twice as likely to order soup for lunch as men, particularly when the cafe offers portable options with their hot soup container. Consider shaking up your soups from day-to-day to entice repeat customers and newcomers alike.
Custom Paper Coffee Cups
Last, but not least, your coffee accessories aren’t complete without custom cups that advertise your store well after the visit. Independent coffee shops today sell around 30% espresso-based drinks, with the rest brewed, and are raking in over $12 billion in yearly sales. Over 50% of the American population (that’s over 150 million people) regularly drink espressos, cold coffees and lattes. Coffee cups with lids and sleeves can boast logos that subconsciously remind customers of their positive experience and entice them to come back for a second round.
Coffee is always doing well. Are you taking advantage of all it has to offer?