Great Accents Can Distinguish Ordinary Plates

Basil crystals

Although people rarely think about it, flowers are something that people eat every day. Broccoli, artichokes, capers, cauliflower, and squash blossoms are all flowers that we eat. Other types of edible flowers that people might not eat as often are pansy, marigold, calendula, chrysanthemum, snapdragon, carnation, dahlia, viola, and nasturtium. Although not everyone loves those kinds of veggies, candied flowers are a far more delicious option. The best candied flowers can provide a delicious and colorful accent to virtually any plate and, as a result, chefs have recently began to embrace microgreens and candied flowers because of their aesthetic appeal.

Candied flowers have been around since the Victorian period, when candied violets were popular, and many patient confectioners still make them today. Nowadays, edible flowers for salads are a great option because they can add both a bit of color and a sweet taste to them. On top of that, sugar flowers are also a delicious and beautiful option for individuals looking to decorate a cake or other desert item. Because they have so many uses, chefs, caterers, or anyone looking to prepare a great meal might want to learn how to produce candied flowers in order to set their plates apart from the rest.

Many chefs today are using micro herbs and microgreens, which are tiny leaves that are less than two weeks old and pack more nutrition than more mature vegetables, in addition to candied flowers in order to spruce up their plates. Although cultivating and adding them to recipes is not usually an easy process, it can be a very good one for chefs to practice. Some candied flowers and other items can help chefs produce plates that no other individual is making, which helps them distinguish themselves from the crowd.

Not every gardener or chef has the skill or the time necessary to work with microgreens and candied flowers. Using them successfully in dishes and plates requires a lot of skill and patience, and so they are not right for everybody. However, anybody who does know how to create and use them can add delicious and colorful accents to their place. Consequently, candied flowers can go a long way towards helping a chef produce plates that are unique, tasty, creative, and, perhaps more importantly, in high demand.

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