A Look at the Story of Coffee

It is no secret that people love coffee. In the United States, at least 54% of the population drinks it every day. The typical coffee drinker around the nation consumes 3.1 cups of it every day. Whether you are looking for a good business coffee solution for your company, a coffee services for business, or just like to drink coffee and tea, coffee has an interesting story.
The National Coffee Association of the United States of Americaandnbsp;has put together the story of how coffee came to be and how it moved across the globe. Most historians trace the first coffee consumption back to Ethiopia. There is a legend about a goat herder named Kaldi seeing how the beans that grew there could be used for people. The story is that after seeing his goats become more energetic after eating the beans, he took them to a local monastery where the beans were made to make a beverage. The beverage had the same impact on the people who drank it as it had on the goats.
While it was found in Ethiopia, actual coffee trade was started in Yemen. Coffee was being cultivated in Yemen on a larger scale by the 15th century. Its popularity grew and within a century, it was being consumed in Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and Persia. Coffee houses started popping up and these were areas where people would gather for a number of social events and activities.
Coffee was not destined to stay in that part of the globe. Travelers from Europe tasted coffee and brought it back home. After it arrived there, its popularity grew and it started to hit its European stride by the end of the 17th century
Not everyone who drank the new beverage started looking for a business coffee solution right away. There were people for whom coffee inspired fear and suspicion. Some went so far as to call it, “the bitter invention of Satan.” Upon its arrival in Venice, Italy, priests condemned it. It took the actions of Pope Clement VIII to make it ok for people in the country to drink coffee.
Despite some objections, as they did in the Middle East, coffee houses began to pop up all over Europe. They were started in Germany, Holland, Austria, France, and England. A trend in England was the start of the “penny university.” This is where a person could get a cup of coffee for one penny that would be accompanied by interesting conversations.
At the time coffee hit the European scene, the most common things people drank in the morning were wine and beer. Coffee started to be consumed in their place. Employers of the day saw a great improvement in how well their workers did their jobs. This may have led some to find the right business coffee solutions.
Coffee was brought to New York City, which went by New Amsterdam in the 1650s. It was not until 1773 when people in the New World made the switch from tea to coffee when colonists in Boston protested a massive tea tax. The Boston Tea Party ended up doing more than showing King George III what the people thought about his tax but it changed forever what Americans would prefer to drink.
Thomas Jefferson was quoted as calling coffee, “the favorite drink of the civilized world.”
All the while, the Arabian Peninsula remained the main area for the cultivation of coffee. Towards the end of the 17th century, the Dutch were able to get their hands on some coffee seedlings but had problems getting them to grow. They tried in India but failed. They found success in Indonesia (then called Java). They also planted it on nearby Sumatra and Celebes. Coffees from these islands are some of the most popular in the world today.
Coffee is grown all over the planet today. It is considered be one of the most popular drinks on the planet. Office workers say they make them more productive, giving their employers good reasons to invest in business coffee solutions. At least 46% of workers claim it helps them get more done at work. Research into caffeine has shows that after consuming 200 mg of the substance, people are able to identify phrases and words faster.