Organic Microgreens Offer High Levels of Nutrients to Diners and Cooks

If you need evidence of the nutritional and health value of vegetables, you only need to look at the four people in your home. Your youngest daughter who has not eaten meet in more than two years, is the healthiest and the thinnest. Your husband and older daughter who eat meat, but are careful to make sure that they fill at least half of their plate with leafy vegetables, are pretty healthy as well. You, on the other hand, spend a lot of time eating carbs and only think about the vegetables as an after thought.
This summer, however, as you are just 12 months away from the a big family vacation to Greece, you are determined to make sure that you are turning over a new leaf, literally. Your youngest daughter has agreed to help make some of her favorite vegetable dishes and you are determined to buy smaller pieces of protein to make sure that you do not use up your calories on the high protein items. Likewise, you are going to limit the number of carbs that you bring in the house so that you can focus on fruits and vegetables for an increasing number of calories.
True Leaf Microgreens and Edible Flowers Help Add to the Flavor and Colors of Many Meals
Although the heartiest and most attractive vegetable dishes have long been an important part of restaurant menus, more and more consumers are finding ways to incorporate these items into their home meals as well. In a time when more and more people are trying to move away from high calorie high carbohydrate meals, it should come as no surprise that true leaf microgreens and edible flowers are able to make sure that you are offering your family with healthy meals.
And while microgreens have been around for 20 to 30 years, it is has only been recently that these same products have been available to home consumers. There are as many as 100 types of common garden flowers that are both palatable and edible, so it might be in your best interest to make sure that you are offering your family the best kind of food choices.